UAE News

Speaking at a UN climate change conference, HH Sheikh Abdullah Bin Zayed Al Nahyan affirms UAE commitment to international efforts to address climate change.

Speaking at a security conference, Secretary Clinton commends UAE civilian and humanitarian assistance in Afghanistan, counter-piracy efforts, nuclear energy cooperation with the US, and commitment to nonproliferation.

Senior US government officials commend the UAE for taking strong steps to comply with and enforce recent sanctions.

The UAE was recognized by the World Bank as one of the largest foreign aid donors.

In his address to the IAEA, Dr. Anwar Gargash calls on states with nuclear capabilities to help developing nations.

The UAE Committee on Commodities Subject to Import and Export control met on the implementation of federal legislation to ban the export or re-export of military hardware, chemical and biological materials and dual-use items.

Dubai Cares, a UAE-based charitable establishment, was launched on September 19, 2007 by His Highness Sheikh Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum, UAE Prime Minister and Vice-President and Ruler of Dubai. Dubai Cares aims to improve children's access to primary education in developing countries.

The UAE government is committed to the global effort to combat human trafficking, and works closely with international and regional law enforcement officials to apprehend and punish violators of human trafficking laws.

The Burj Khalifa, the tallest man-made structure ever built, opened to the public on January 4th, 2010.  The super-skyscraper aspires to be an icon of the new Middle East: prosperous, dynamic and successful.

The UAE government and the individual Emirates have forged numerous partnerships with US institutions aimed at improving education in the UAE, and promoting exchanges between Western and Arab cultures.