UAE US Relations

In a speech on UAE's National Day, US Ambassador to the UAE Richard G.

Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi Sheikh Mohammad bin Zayed Al Nahyan held talks with US Middle East Envoy George Mitchell on the importance of Arab, American and European efforts to bring about resumption of Palestinian-Israeli negotiations.

The UAE surpassed Israel and Saudi Arabia as America’s largest export market in the Middle East.

A Wall Street Journal article quotes a senior White House official saying that President Obama sees the UAE peaceful nuclear energy program as a “model for the world.”

The University of Minnesota Department of Chemical Engineering and Materials Science has partnered with the Petroleum Institute, located in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, to establish the Abu Dhabi-Minnesota Institute for Research Excellence (ADMIRE), according to a statement released Tuesday.

Former Presidential adviser Elliott Abrams writes that the UAE nuclear program would be a "powerful counterexample to Iran" and that Congress should "quickly approve the [123] agreement."

Duke University will offer business education programs in Dubai.

After a two-year courtship, Phoenix and the Persian Gulf port of Dubai made their relationship official Wednesday in a ceremony packed with smiles and handshakes, gift exchanges and goodwill.

A commencement speaker at the American University in Dubai, former US Secretary of State Colin Powell praised Dubai’s investment in education and health care.

A Zogby International poll found that in the UAE, 52 per cent of those surveyed have a favorable rating of the US, the highest rating ever given to the US by any Arab country since Zogby International began polling across the Arab world in 2002.